The 2025-2026 FAFSA & CADAA are NOW OPEN! The UCR priority filing deadline is extended to April 2, 2025. UCR SCHOOL CODE: 001316
UCR students who have not been able to file the 2024-25 FAFSA or CADAA are urged to contact the UCR Financial Aid office for additional support as soon as possible.
Federal Work-Study Program
Students employed in Work-Study jobs earn money for their college costs through part-time employment in approved on-campus jobs or off-campus jobs at nonprofit and community service agencies. UCR also employs students who are not eligible for Work-Study in similar campus jobs and provides job listings for off-campus positions through our Career Center.
Students eligible for work-study can participate in the Federal Work-Study Program. Students can review their Financial Aid offer in R'Web to determine if they are eligible for work-study programs.
If you have been offered a Work-Study job, please fill out the Work-Study New Hire Form.
If you need more information, the Career Center has additional resources. Pleas visit their pages linked below:
Federal Work-Study Program
Federal Work-Study eligibility is a need based employment program created by the federal Department of Education. It is based on financial need and the availability of funds for each award year. Renewal allocations are available to students with Federal Work-Study earnings in the previous award year. When sufficient funds are available, it is sometimes possible to request replacement of a student loan with Work-Study.
For the 2024-2025 academic year, new students must have a Student Aid Index (SAI) of 4,000 or less (based on their FAFSA) to be considered for the program. Continuing students must have an SAI or 6,655 or less and paid work-study earnings to qualify. New and continuing students must also meet the following requirements:
• At least half-time enrollment
• California resident classification
• Maintain satisfactory academic progress
• Demonstrate financial need
• Eligibility to work in the United States -
Step #1: Determining Your Eligibility
Review your financial aid offer to see if you were awarded Work-Study. If you are not currently Work-Study eligible, but have the a qualifying SAI and meet the eligibility criteria, contact our office to review your eligibility at
Step #2: Finding a Work-Study Position
For students who are looking for a new Work-Study position, Work-Study positions will be posted on Handshake. Be sure to check regularly for any openings. They will be labeled Work-Study. Apply for the position as you normally would any job opportunity. -
Getting Hired
Once you have been offered a Work-Study position by an employer, fill out the Work-Study New Hire Form and continue the onboarding process by completing any necessary paperwork and/or appointments.
Additional Resources
Visit UCR's Handshake portal to start your job search!
Work-Study Programs FAQs
The Work-Study Allocation
I have an award letter for $1,500 Work-Study award. Does this mean I will only earn $500/quarter?
No, your total award amount is for the whole year. It can be earned unevenly throughout the award year.
What should I do if my Work-Study Award is about to run out because I used it all?
Contact Financial Aid at or by phone at (951) 827-3878 if your Work-Study funds are about to run out. You could potentially receive an increase based on funding availability. Once you earn all of your Work-Study funds, notify your supervisor immediately for guidance. If you exceed your award amount, your employer will be billed at 100%.
If I don’t earn the entire Work-Study award amount this year, does the money carry to the next year?
No, your Work-Study award does not carry over to the next year.
What happens if I don’t use Work-Study in the year it was awarded to me?
If unused, the Work-Study award will be lost, and will not be offered in the future.
When I calculate my financial aid, do I include Work-Study even though I haven't started working?
Your total allocation amount includes the Work-Study dollar amount, but the Work-Study allocation will not reduce the direct charges you still owe to UCR for tuition and fees. You will earn your Work-Study allocation as soon as you begin working. You will receive a bi-weekly paycheck.
Will my Work-Study be disbursed with the other aid I have accepted?
No, a bi-weekly paycheck will be issued as you work your Work-Study job.
Can I receive my entire Work-Study award at once, or do I have to find a job first?
You must find a job, get hired, and then work in that position to earn your Work-Study allocation. You will be paid bi-weekly.
Work Hours and Pay
When do I get paid?
Payday is bi-weekly, as indicated on the payroll calendar. On-Campus Jobs: Speak with your employer regarding procedures and deadlines. Off-Campus Jobs: You will receive instructions within your Letter of Clearance (LOC) email.
Where do I access my timesheet?
Visit to access the Time & Attendance Reporting System (TARS). Please review this timesheet infographic if you need help in understanding the process and how to fill out your timesheet.
What happens if my timesheet is submitted late?
Late timesheets will result in the employee being paid during the next payroll cycle.
How many Work-Study hours can I work a week?
You are allowed to work up to 19 hours per week.
What time period can I use my Work-Study funds?
You can use your Work-Study funds between September 15, 2024 through June 21, 2025. Work-Study funds are not available during the summer.
Do I have to spend my earnings on tuition and fees?
You are free to spend your earnings as you wish.
Who is responsible for tracking my work hours?
Both you and your immediate supervisor (employer) are responsible for tracking the hours worked, and for submitting your timesheets in a timely manner.
Do I report my earning on my taxes?
To determine your tax obligations (if any), visit
Work-Study Jobs
When can I start looking for a Work-Study job?
You may begin looking for a Work-Study position on August 22, 202.
When can I begin using my Work-Study funds?
Work-Study funds must be used between September 15, 2024 and June 21, 2025. Work-Study funds are not available during the summer.
Will UCR find or place me in a job?
No, you are responsible for applying for and securing a Work-Study job. UCR does not place students in jobs.
How do I find open Work-Study positions?
All open positions are listed On UCR Handshake.
Where Can I Find My Federal Work-Study Eligibility Notification Form?
A Federal Work-Study Eligibility Notification is used to “register” you for Work-Study. Visit UCR Handshake to print an Federal Work-Study Eligibility Notification, and take it with you to the interview. One Eligibility Notification must be completed and submitted to Financial Aid for each position you obtain.
How do I get a Letter of Clearance (LOC)?
If this is an on-campus work-study position, you will not need a Letter of Clearance. However you will still need to fill out the Work-Study New Hire Form found on the Career Center or Financial Aid website. This form will automatically initiate a process to complete a Student Employment Contract through DocuSign. You will be asked to attach a copy of your job description found in Handshake and your Federal Work-Study Eligibility Notification. Once you’ve electronically signed this employment contract, your supervisor will be notified to complete their portion. For off-campus work-study positions, the Letter of Clearance is the final step of the process. You will still go through the same process as detailed above and then await an email from the Financial Aid Office with the Letter of Clearance to inform you and your supervisor that you are ready to start working. Your supervisor will determine your start date after receiving this email. Feel free to refer to hiring process outlined in these instructions.
Are off-campus Work Study jobs available?
Yes, each job description on UCR Handshake will provide details about the placement location.
Can I get academic credit with my Work-Study job?
You could potentially earn academic credit from your Work-Study job. The final determination is made by your academic department. To be considered, the job must be a meaningful learning experience, and it must be related to your coursework. For more information, visit Internships or connect with a Career Center counselor.
Are there any tips to finding a Work-Study job?
Begin your job search early by using UCR Handshake. Tailor your resume to the needs of a desired position. Before uploading it, bring your resume to the Career Center during Drop-in Hours: To schedule virtual drop-in hours, go to this drop-in schedule link which will be open for sign-ups the evening before and will close 15 minutes prior to the end of drop-in hours for that day. For updated drop-in hours, visit
Contact the Career Center at (951) 827-3631 or for help with:
- Job search assistance
- Help with Work-Study job applications
- Drop-in counseling
Contact Financial Aid at (951) 827-3878 or for help with:
- Work-Study eligibility
- Award adjustments
- Letter of Clearance
- Paycheck and timesheet issues
Dreamer Service Incentive Grant
The Dreamer Service Incentive Grant (DSIG) is awarded to students who complete 100 volunteer hours per quarter at a qualifying service organization. Students are awarded up to $4,500 for an academic year ($1,500) per quarter. DSIG is a program administered by the California Student Aid Commission. The grant is available to a student for up to 8 semesters or up to 12 quarters while they have an active Cal Grant A or B award.
Students must meet the following criteria to qualify for DSIG:
Complete a California Dream Act Application (CADAA) for the current academic year
Be an active recipient of a Cal Grant A or B award. Cal Grant A recipients must have met Cal Grant B eligibility.
Demonstrate enough financial need to receive the award
Meet Satisfactory Academic Progress
Volunteer with a qualifying service organization
CSAC maintains a list of qualifying service organizations. New organizations can also register.
Step #1: Students will need to submit a Grant Application form to the California Student Aid Commission (CSAC) to be accepted into the program. Eligible students can retrieve the form to request a financial aid signature by using a link in the Financial Aid Messages section of their Financial Aid portal on R’Web. Completing the DSIG Financial Aid Signature Request form will automatically provide you with the Grant Application to fill out first and then route to the Financial Aid Office.
Once a financial aid administrator and the service organization fills out the form, a student can submit it to CSAC at for processing.
Step #2: Once accepted into the program, students can begin to complete their service hours. Students should keep track of their service hours and have their organization confirm the hours using CSAC’s Service Hours Tracker.
Step #3: Once a student has completed at least 100 service hours, they can use the link in the Financial Aid Messages section of their portal on R’Web to request a financial aid signature for a Payment Request form. Completing the DSIG Financial Aid Signature Request form will provide you with the Payment Request form to fill out and then route to the Financial Aid Office.
Once a financial aid administrator and the service organization fills out the form, a student can submit it to CSAC at for processing.
Step #4: Check your email! Once CSAC processes the Payment Request Form, the Financial Aid Office and the student will be notified when a check is mailed out. A financial aid administrator will contact students when a check is available for pick up.
Step #5: Students can visit the Highlander One-Stop Shop on the 1st floor of the Student Services Building to pick up the check. Students must bring a non-expired, government-issued ID to pick the check up.
Additional Resources
Dreamer Service Incentive Grant Program (CSAC)
DSIG Forms- CSAC - This website provides the PDF version of certain DSIG forms. Please note, the Grant Application and Payment Request form will be provided when you complete the DSIG Financial Aid Signature Request form. Eligible students can retrieve the form to request a financial aid signature by using a link in the Financial Aid Messages section of their Financial Aid portal on R’Web.
Other important forms include:
Service Hours Tracker – This form is used to track a student’s hours and have the service organization confirm the hours. It must be provided to CSAC with a completed Payment Request form.
Service Organization Registration- This form is to register an organization as a qualifying site for students to volunteer at for the DSIG program.
#CaliforniansForAll College Corps
The #CaliforniansForAll College Corps program is a statewide initiative that recruits fellows to serve in one focus area (K-12 Education, Climate Action, Food Insecurity) over one academic year while providing funding to offset educational costs. As a result of their service, students will receive a $7,000 living allowance as they serve and a $3,000 education award to be used after their year of service.
Students must meet the following criteria to be considered for the program:
Full-time, enrolled undergraduate student
Must be and remain in good academic standing
Demonstrate financial need, including meeting at least one of the following:
Qualify for a Federal Pell Grant
Qualify for a Cal Grant
Qualify for a Middle Class Scholarship
Needs to work part-time and/or borrow student loans to meet educational costs
Apply and be accepted into the UCR College Corps program
Students who are interested in becoming a fellow will need to apply on Handshake during the application period, typically during Winter quarter. UCR College Corps staff will review your application and send an invitation to interview if you may be eligible for the program.
If you are given a preliminary offer, we will review your financial aid eligibility to ensure that you qualify.
Who to Contact
If you have questions regarding becoming a UCR College Corps fellow and program details, please contact the UCR College Corps Office at or visit the Student Service Building 2nd floor to speak with a staff member.
If you have questions regarding the impact of your participation in the UCR College Corps program on your financial aid or your eligibility from a financial aid perspective, please contact the Financial Aid Office at with the subject line ‘College Corps Participation’.
- Additional Resources
Federal School Code: 001316
Quick tips
- Review the links on this page to learn more!
- Visit the UCR Career Center page! You will find pre-recorded Work-Study student orientations, infographics, and more!
- Did you get hired? Fill out the Work-Study New Hire Form.
- If you are hired for an on campus job, speak to your supervisor on when you can start working.
- If you are hired for an off campus job, you must await a Letter of Clearance and speak with your supervisor before you can start working.