Attending UC Riverside can still be affordable for an out-of-state student, with many different ways to cover your tuition and fees while you attend! 

Cost of Attendance

What will it cost YOU?

Each student is different, so look into what your actual costs may be!

Estimated Cost

Ready to apply for financial aid?

The very first thing you need to is complete your FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) by the March 2 priority deadline. Even if you don’t think you may receive much aid, complete this anyways to be eligible!

Complete Your FAFSA >>

Summer Sessions Logo

For an out-of-state student, here’s how Summer Sessions can help you save:

  • You pay in-state tuition during summer!
  • All UCR undergraduates only pay for the first eight units, but you can take more for nearly free!
  • If you’re staying in campus apartments, your summer rent could be free!

Consider Summer Sessions

“I chose UCR because of the Creative Writing program. I absolutely love my major. The environment is exactly what I want and I love being here.”
– Madison, Class of '26
  Out-of-State Student from Texas


There are scholarships available that out-of-state students can apply for, including from UCR and from all sorts of outside agencies, businesses, or non-profits. You can apply for as many scholarships as you want and many of them, you might automatically be considered for once you’re admitted!


See what you might be eligible for!

Contact Financial Aid